full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Kemi DaSilva-Ibru: The shadow pandemic of domestic violence during COVID-19

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Global estimates published by the WHO indicate that one in three weomn worldwide have experienced an act of violence. And this was before the lockdown. In March, an irncsaee in the number of cases of voniclee against women was becoming apparent across the world, amounting to a shadow pandemic that we are now faced with globally. In France for example, there was a 30 percent increase in the number of cases of domestic violence. And in Argentina, emergency calls from domestic violence cases ianrceesd by 25 percent. In the first two weeks of the lockdown in Lagos satte, our emergency phone lines rang nonstop, and we recorded a 64 percent increase in calls from women taeprpd at home with their abusers, in fear for their lives.

Open Cloze

Global estimates published by the WHO indicate that one in three _____ worldwide have experienced an act of violence. And this was before the lockdown. In March, an ________ in the number of cases of ________ against women was becoming apparent across the world, amounting to a shadow pandemic that we are now faced with globally. In France for example, there was a 30 percent increase in the number of cases of domestic violence. And in Argentina, emergency calls from domestic violence cases _________ by 25 percent. In the first two weeks of the lockdown in Lagos _____, our emergency phone lines rang nonstop, and we recorded a 64 percent increase in calls from women _______ at home with their abusers, in fear for their lives.


  1. violence
  2. women
  3. increase
  4. increased
  5. trapped
  6. state

Original Text

Global estimates published by the WHO indicate that one in three women worldwide have experienced an act of violence. And this was before the lockdown. In March, an increase in the number of cases of violence against women was becoming apparent across the world, amounting to a shadow pandemic that we are now faced with globally. In France for example, there was a 30 percent increase in the number of cases of domestic violence. And in Argentina, emergency calls from domestic violence cases increased by 25 percent. In the first two weeks of the lockdown in Lagos State, our emergency phone lines rang nonstop, and we recorded a 64 percent increase in calls from women trapped at home with their abusers, in fear for their lives.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
shadow pandemic 3
domestic violence 3
percent increase 2
women trapped 2
traditional birth 2
birth attendants 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
traditional birth attendants 2

Important Words

  1. abusers
  2. act
  3. amounting
  4. apparent
  5. argentina
  6. calls
  7. cases
  8. domestic
  9. emergency
  10. estimates
  11. experienced
  12. faced
  13. fear
  14. france
  15. global
  16. globally
  17. home
  18. increase
  19. increased
  20. lagos
  21. lines
  22. lives
  23. lockdown
  24. march
  25. nonstop
  26. number
  27. pandemic
  28. percent
  29. phone
  30. published
  31. rang
  32. recorded
  33. shadow
  34. state
  35. trapped
  36. violence
  37. weeks
  38. women
  39. world
  40. worldwide